
This product is still WIP and not ready for public release yet. Please expect things to break and if you find anything broken please let us know in the defillama discord
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What is this?It's an aggregator of DEX aggregators, we query the price in 1inch, cowswap, matcha... and then offer you the best price among all of them
Does DefiLlama take any fees?DefiLlama takes 0 fee on swaps.

You'll get the exact same price swapping through DefiLlama as what you'd get swapping through the chosen aggregator directly.

We do add our referral code to swaps tho, so, for aggregators with revenue sharing, they will send us part of the fee they earn. This is not an extra fee, you'd be charged the same fee anyway, but now a small part of it is shared with DefiLlama. We also integrate aggregators with no fee sharing the best price, and in those cases we don't make any money.
Is it safe?Our aggregator uses the router contract of each aggregator, we don't use any contracts developed by us. Thus you inherit the same security you'd get by swapping directly from their UI instead of ours.
Will I be eligible for airdrops if I swap through DefiLlama?Yes, we execute swaps directly against the router of each aggregator, so there's no difference between a swap executed directly from their UI and a swap executed from DefiLlama, thus all swaps would be as eligible for airdrops as swaps made through their UI in case there's a future airdrop.